We strive to make moving into your new home, a more relaxed & enjoyable experience

Buying a new home is always an exciting experience for homeowners. It is also the biggest purchase you will make in your garden.



We strive to make moving into your new home, a more relaxed & enjoyable experience

Buying a new home is always an exciting experience for homeowners. It is also the biggest purchase you will make in your lifetime, so you want your home to be perfect. You have paid a lot of money, expecting perfection and Snag List Surveys would like to help you achieve it. We want our clients to enjoy the experience of moving into their new home.

Our detailed snagging reports will help to ease some of the stresses of buying a home, by ensuring that defects and poor finishing have been identified and rectified prior to moving in, saving you time and money.

Whether it’s poorly fitted doors or an uneven floor. Paint splashes on your tiles or a crooked light switch. No defect is too big or too small. If it’s not perfect, it will be on your report!

Landscapers List Experts

– Friendly Service
We will talk you through the process of a snag report, so you know exactly what we do, how it benefits you and what happens after the report has been submitted to your builder. We are happy to answer any questions you might have and will keep you informed every step of the way.

– Value for Money
We take pride in every snagging report we do and in identifying as many defects as possible, so that you can have them fixed by the builder, before you move into your home. Remedial works can be expensive, so the last thing you want is to be paying out of your own pocket, to have work done after you have moved in.

– Peace of Mind
You can relax in the knowledge that after you have moved into your new home, you won’t be ringing tradesmen to come and fix defects that you have noticed since you have moved in.