
About Landscapers Dublin – In today’s society with the pace and pressures of daily life, it’s not always easy to make time to keep your garden looking good.

We all like to come home at the end of the day to relax and enjoy our personal space at home indoors and out. This is where Landscapers Dublin come in!

Your garden is my work of heart and nothing gives me more pleasure than giving your garden the attention and love it needs to flourish. Every garden has potential and can be kept tidy or changed.

Plants can be altered or changed and new one’s planted. Overgrown hedges and out of control grass can be pruned, trimmed and mowed.

Whatever condition your garden is in, a few hours work and your garden can be transformed.

What You Can Expect

Communication – we listen to your needs and deliver exactly what you ask for.

Co-ordination – we schedule seasonal routine maintenance work in your garden like; pruning in the Autumn, mulching and soil preparation in the Winter, restoration of garden furniture and decking in the Spring and hanging baskets, window boxes and lawn cutting in the Summer.

Co-operation – we work with you to deliver projects that maybe beyond our normal scope of competency by working with other specialist tradesmen and professions like Landscape Gardeners and Garden Designers.

Finally we have a ‘reuse, recycle and clean as we go…’ policy which means all cuttings, clippings, refuse and garden waste are taken away each day or returned to your garden as organic food for the compost heap and mulch for weed control/soil improvement.